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Harassment is unwelcome behavior that offends you or makes you feel threatened or embarrassed. It can occur alone or in conjunction with other forms of discrimination. Explore the different types of harassment that can occur in the workplace:

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Meet Eddie. An individual with a unique personality who is 40 years old. Eddie belongs to the generation that first witnessed the birth of the internet. He has witnessed the emergence of the digital age with the birth of complex cell phones taking over.

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The Human Element approach is a holistic, transformational learning experience that leads to profound improvements in individual and team effectiveness, leading to increased organizational performance and better business results.

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With peoples from different generation working together, we can expect some - or many - differences between them, whether in the way of thinking, behavior, culture, or the action.

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Productivity is the most essential part of any organization. On every level, team members must learn to work together to achieve their goals. No matter how effective & productive your team is, there are always ways that you can follow to improve group productivity as well as individual productivity.

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The imposed shift from office life to working remotely has its positive side-effects on business that has to do with logistics and the decrease in expenses on office supplies, electricity and facility maintenance in general.

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The world has announced June 20th as the day to observe, analyze, and capitalize on productivity. Organizations, businesses, and maybe individuals around the world celebrate this day from two standpoints - performing and underperforming. How do people celebrate “World Productivity Day?”

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Productivity is the result of the collective actions of an individual or a group of people trying to achieve a result. Being challenged and stimulated mentally, taking part within any given community, or even fulfilling the most basic of needs, such as food, shelter, and safety, all play a key...

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